And then select the time scale for your own needs.I understand what you're saying, unfortunately it's not my concern, what happens is that the post-installation installation of Windows freezes at around 70% for 1 hour then at 90% for 30min, as if something slowed down the installation in post-install (When I launch the same installation once the user is loaded, it takes around 3 minutes. Note: The changes of the time scale cannot work in the Month view.īesides the above method, you can also change the appointment length or meeting duration by clicking View > Time Scale. And now the appointment length is changed to the time scale you have configured immediately. When the Format Day/Week/Month View dialog popping up, select the appointment or meeting time length from the Time scale drop-down list.

Sélectionnez votre version, puis suivez les étapes d’installation. In the Advanced View Settings: Calendar dialog ( Customize View: Date/Week/Month dialog in Outlook 2007), please click Other Settings. Installer la version 32 bits ou 64 bits d’Office. Ouvrez la base de registre (Regedit.exe) Quand léditeur de registre saffiche, vous allez dans le répertoire suivant : HKEYLOCALMACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftOfficeClickToRunConfiguration 3. Slectionnez le bouton ci-dessous pour tlcharger et installer l’outil de prise en charge de dsinstallation Office. In Outlook 2007, please click View > Current View > Customize Current View. Si l’excution de la rparation ne vous a pas aid, utilisez cet outil pour dsinstaller compltement Microsoft 365, puis le rinstaller.

Si le redmarrage de Windows n’aide pas, utilisez l’utilitaire de rsolution des problmes automatis ou suivez les tapes de dsinstallation manuelle dcrites dans cet article : Dsinstaller les suites Microsoft Office 2013 ou Microsoft 365. Then click View > View Settings in Outlook 2010/2013. Redmarrez Windows et ressayez de dsinstaller Office pour rsoudre le problme.

Shift to the Calendar view by clicking Calendar in the Navigation Pane.Ģ. Malheureusement, Office ne permet pas de tlcharger sparment. Il peut y avoir plusieurs raisons empêchant linstallation dOffice. In Outlook, you can change the default appointment length as follows.ġ. Puis-je simplement tlcharger PowerPoint, ou ai-je besoin de toute la suite Office 365. Change the default appointment length in Outlook